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Ton Duc Thang University Receives Recognition Certificate from CPA Australia for the Accounting Program

On January 9, 2025, Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU) held the ceremony to receive the Recognition certificate for the Accounting Program issued by CPA Australia (CPAA).

Over the past period, the Faculty of Accounting at TDTU has actively worked with CPAA to recognize its training program. CPAA has officially recognized the program as meeting their international quality standards. As one of the world's most prestigious and influential accounting organizations, CPAA's recognition strongly affirms the quality and reputation of TDTU's education, particularly the Faculty of Accounting.

As part of the event, the Faculty of Accounting also signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Parker Russell Vietnam Co., Ltd. (PRV), a member of the global Parker Russell International network. PRV is a leading organization in professional business consulting, taxation, and auditing, widely recognized worldwide.

The cooperation between TDTU and PRV includes activities such as offering internships for students, organizing training courses, business forums, and recruitment events. These initiatives provide a competitive edge for TDTU students in the future labor market.

Following the signing ceremony, the Faculty of Accounting, in collaboration with CPAA Vietnam and PRV, hosted a business forum titled "Career Orientation for Developing High-Quality Human Resources in Transfer Pricing and Related Party Transactions." The event marked a promising beginning for the partnership between TDTU and its new partners.













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